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Welcome Home!

Welcome to my newly established blog. I started a blog in early 2006 and continued it through 2011 when I changed positions in my district. I am back home in a high school library that I was fortunate to open in 2001.

When creating this blog, I went to my old blog (beccablog.edublogs.org) and thought about what made that blog helpful for me and others. I enjoyed reflecting on my practice – good and bad and sharing ideas.

So here I go again with a new name and URL. Why did I choose this look and title? I recently saw an image that said a “school library should be the family room of your building” (https://twitter.com/PaulWHankins/status/1198544265615478787). I love that imagery of a school library and if I can take it a step further, let’s think of this house with an open concept where the kitchen and family room are together. (My house is like this!) We can be comfortable in the family room discussing ideas, playing games, watching tv and in the kitchen area creating, trying, serving and more. So, the logo is a house (with an open concept inside) and my library of thoughts about all things libraries. Join me.

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