
Fake News

We advertise on our Toilet Paper newsletter (located in the staff bathrooms) pop-up mini-lessons.  The Fake News lesson is a popular lesson.

With so many resources available, we designed a quick lesson focusing on four areas including clickbait, speed, distrust, and ads.

  1.  Start with posting the headlines (below) around the room on whiteboards.  Students visit each headline and mark if they think it is a false headline.
  2. Discuss the first question on the Slides.
  3. Students go back to the boards and put a star by the articles they would click.
  4. Discuss the correlation between the fake and what we choose to click.  Introduce clickbait.
  5. Show the timeline for the news to report a recent event.  Slides include the Kobe Bryant report.
  6. Discuss the distrust issue.
  7. Use the slide to discuss sponsors/ad information.
  8. Introduce lateral reading.  Students choose a headline and research the validity of the headlines.
  9. As a class, go around the room and note which headline is true and false.

Lateral Reading


Google Slides

Headlines (print and post headlines around the room)



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